올들어 4번째..성명vs 미사일 되풀이


뉴욕=임지환기자 newsroh@gmail.com



유엔 안전보장이사회(안보리)가 6일 북한의 탄도미사일 발사를 강력히 규탄(糾彈)하는 언론성명을 또다시 채택했다.


북한은 지난 5일 함경남도 신포 일대에서 스커드-ER로 평가되는 탄도미사일을 발사했으나, 60㎞를 비행하다가 동해에 추락했다.


안보리는 15개 이사국의 만장일치로 채택된 성명에서 “북한이 안보리에 대해 노골적이고 도발적인 방식으로 나오는 것에 대해 극도의 우려를 표한다”면서 “이번 미사일 발사는 안보리 대북제재 결의의 중대한 위반인 동시에 동북아와 다른 지역의 긴장까지도 현저히 고조(高調)시키는 행위”라고 비난했다.


안보리가 북한의 도발을 비난하는 언론성명을 내는 것은 올들어 벌써 4번째다. 안보리는 북한의 미사일 발사와 핵실험 등을 할 때마다 강력한 규탄성명을 채택하지만 북한이 아랑곳하지 않고 발사실험을 계속하고 있어 ‘미사일 vs 성명’의 악순환(惡循環)만 되풀이되고 있다.


안보리는 2006년 이후 채택된 대북제재 결의 1718호(2006년), 1874호(2009년), 2087호(2013년), 2094호(2013년), 2270호, 2321호(이상 2016년)를 통해 북한의 탄도미사일 발사를 금지하고 있다.


* 글로벌웹진 뉴스로 www.newsroh.com








Post latest missile test, Security Council condemns DPRK's 'highly destabilizing behaviour' (United Nations Security Council)


The United Nations Security Council today strongly condemned the latest ballistic missile launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), calling it “in grave violation” of the country's international obligations under six of the body's resolutions passed between 2006 and 2016.


In a press statement, the 15 members said that they were concerned about DPRK's highly destabilizing behaviour and “flagrant and provocative defiance of the Security Council” following the 4 April launch.


“The members of the Security Council demanded that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea shall immediately refrain from further actions in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and comply fully with its obligations under these resolutions,” according to the statement.


The latest launch comes less than three weeks after the previous launch on 21 March, and two additional rounds of launches and an engine test in February and March 2017.


Such activities contribute to the development of nuclear weapons delivery systems and “are significantly increasing tension in the region and beyond,” the members cautioned.


They further regretted that the country is diverting resources to the pursuit of ballistic missiles while the country's citizens have “great unmet needs.”


Also in the statement, the Council called on all UN Member States to redouble their efforts to implement fully the measures imposed on the DPRK by the Council.


These include, for example, limiting the number of bank accounts held by diplomatic missions and consular posts within their respective territories, and suspending scientific and technical cooperation with persons or groups officially sponsored by or representing DPRK.


The Council also emphasized the vital importance of DPRK showing “sincere commitment” to denuclearization, and expressed its own commitment to “a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution” to the situation.


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