피토하는 절규가 우습더냐..


머리채 잡힌채 끌려가는 할머니들..

전경들에 짓밟히는 주민들을 보며

웃으며 스마트폰으로 촬영하는 미군들..

어느 주권국가 국민이 이런 대접을 받나

-편집자 주



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대부분 80 넘은 할머님들 할아버님들께서 8천명 넘는 전경들의 폭거와


질주하는 미군들의 사드 배치 강행에 많이 다치셨습니다.


신성한 소성리가 전 국민들이 보는 앞에서


전 세계가 보는 앞에서 강간을 당한 것입니다.


광화문에서 무기한 단식을 시작 하시는 분들께 위로를 드립니다.


소성리뿐 아닌 아시아 전체, 전 세계의 평화를 위해 목숨까지 바치고자 하시는 분들의 결의를 겸허하게 받아 들여야 할 것입니다.



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Day 1 Koreans on indefinite hunger strike to protest US THAAD deployment



Where there is hatred, let me sow love;


where there is injury, pardon;


where there is doubt, faith;


where there is despair, hope;


where there is darkness, light;


where there is sadness, joy.



“This is not what America stands for”


Tim Shorrock, The Nation


More than 8000 riot police indiscriminately repressed grandmothers, Catholic nuns and won-Buddhists. Sacred Catholic devotional objects were destroyed by the riot police.


Koreans started indefinite hunger strike to protest the protest the United States’s rogue conduct of coercive deployment of THAAD. Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists united in indefinite hunger strikes, Gwanghwamoon Plaza, Seoul, the site of historic candlelight pro-democracy that led to the impeachment of corrupt Park Geun-hye administration.


Article in Korean




Tim Shorrock. The Nation. “This is not what America stands for”


US GIs grinned as riot police in South Korea's Seongju County used clubs on residents protesting THAAD deployment. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2017/04/251_228462.html


“A Korean activist at the anti-THAAD protests in Seongju County just sent these pictures of US soldiers grinning as they drove US missile defense equipment in past riot police beating local residents opposed to the unilateral US move. Many Koreans - including leading presidential candidate Moon Jae-in - are outraged by the action and believe the Pentagon did it now so it would be a fait accompli by the May 9 elections. This is not what America stands for. We should respect South Korea's democratic process and let the new government decide for itself.”




Anna Fifield. Washington Post.


South Korea's Hankyoreh on sudden THAAD moves: Government with 13 days left "THAAD trap," "violation of sovereignty"





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사드 배치 폭거 저항 하루 5번 기도


무기한 단식


선과 진실에 집중하는 분들과 함께 합니다.


선과 진실에 집중하다 보면


전쟁도 막을 수 있습니다.



Day 2 Koreans indefinite hunger strike to stop US THAAD and for peace!


Dear esteemed friend--an appeal for your thought and solidarity!


5 Times a Day: Peace prayers for Korea, Northeast Asia, the World and YOU!


Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;


where there is sadness, joy.



•2 Koreans on indefinite hunger strike in Gwanghwamun Square near the US Embassy in Seoul


•Koreans prayers 5 times a day (6 AM, 11 AM, 3 PM, 9 PM, and 11 PM) for peace


•40 Korean environmental civic organizations hold a press conference condemning the forced deployment of THAAD


US soldier transporting THAAD components smiles as he films weeping protesters


The Won-Buddhist Emergency Committee to Guard the Sacred Site at Seongju also began an indefinite hunger strike that afternoon in Gwanghwamun Square near the US Embassy in Seoul to voice opposition to THAAD and war and call for the establishment of peace.







Kathy Moon Trump breaks US 'contract' w #SouthKorea on #THAAD w $1bil charge. Nuts, since #Seoul never wld've agreed to house





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시몬 천

노스이스턴 (Northeastern University) 대학 국제정치학 강사


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