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뉴스로=임지환기자 newsroh@gmail.com



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반기문 유엔 사무총장이 11일(현지시간) 도널드 트럼프 미 대통령 당선자와 전화통화를 갖고 유엔과 미국간의 전통적인 협력관계를 재확인했다.


유엔 사무총장 대변인실은 반기문 총장이 이날 오후 트럼프 당선자와 약 20분간 전화통화를 했다고 밝혔다.


반기문 총장은 이날 통화에서 제45대 대통령 선거에서 트럼프 후보가 승리한 것을 축하하고 트럼프 당선자가 치열한 유세(遊說)전을 뒤로 하고 미국의 통합을 선언한 것을 환영했다.


반기문 총장은 미국과 유엔이 앞으로도 평화와 안보를 증진시키기 위해 협조하고 전통적인 유대를 더욱 강화하게 될 것을 믿는다고 밝혔다. 반 총장과 트럼프 당선자는 앞으로 지속적인 접촉을 가지기로 약속했다.


앞서 반 총장은 AFP통신과의 인터뷰에서 “총장 임기가 끝나기 전에 트럼프 당선자를 면담하기를 희망한다”면서 트럼프가 파리기후변화협약 탈퇴를 추진하지 않으리라고 확신한다고 덧붙였다.


트럼프는 선거 캠페인에서 대통령에 당선되면 파리기후변화협약에서 탈퇴(脫退)하겠다고 밝힌바 있다.


* 글로벌웹진 뉴스로 www.newsroh.com








Ban congratulates Donald Trump on his election as next US President


United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today congratulated Donald Trump on his election as the new President of the United States.


“I congratulate Mr. Donald Trump on his election as forty-fifth President of the United States of America,” Mr. Ban said this morning in a statement he read out to the press at the UN Headquarters in New York.


“In the aftermath of a hard-fought and often-divisive campaign, it is worth recalling and reaffirming that the unity in diversity of the United States is one of the country's greatest strengths. I encourage all Americans to stay true to that spirit,” he said.


Noting that today's global challenges demand concerted global action and joint solutions, the UN chief said: “As a founding member of the United Nations and permanent member of the Security Council, the United States is an essential actor across the international agenda. People everywhere look to the United States to use its remarkable power to help lift humanity up and to work for the common good.”


“The United Nations will count on the new Administration to strengthen the bonds of international cooperation as we strive together to uphold shared ideals, combat climate change, advance human rights, promote mutual understanding and implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)to achieve lives of peace, prosperity and dignity for all,” Mr. Ban added.


The Secretary-General stressed the need to mobilize around the principles and common values of the UN Charter more than ever.


Mr. Ban expressed his deep appreciation to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for a lifetime commitment to peace, the advancement of women and the well-being of children. “She has been a powerful global symbol of women's empowerment, and I have no doubt that she will continue to contribute to our work across the world,” he said.




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