"전쟁연습은 정전협정위반"

"An endless duty for peace"!

President Kim Dae-jung's Nobel Peace Lecture



전쟁 도발(戰爭 挑發)의 권리를 독점하고 있는 국가들에 21세기 국제 시민들은 어떻게 대처해야 하는가?


한반도에서 전쟁 위협은 매일 증가하고 있습니다. 그 누구도 끊임없이 진행되는 거대한 전쟁 연습이 북한에 대한 선제 공격으로 귀결되지 않을지 장담할 수 없습니다.


끊임없는 전쟁 연습은 한반도의 전쟁 위기의 근본 원인입니다. 한미일 전쟁 게임은 정전 협정도 위반하는 것입니다. 현재 한반도에 가장 위험한 적폐는 끊임없는 한미일 합동 군사 훈련, 전쟁 게임입니다. 이 훈련, 이 전쟁 게임의 결말은 전쟁, 핵 전쟁일 것입니다.


이미 파괴된 정전 협정을 평화 협정으로 대체가 유일한 대안이며 그 주인공은 바로 국제 시민 평화 연대입니다. 전쟁 도발의 권리를 독점하고 있는 21세기 국가들에 대한 유일한 대안은 김대중 전 대통령께서 말씀하셨듯이 오직 의무와 책임감으로(“endless duty”) 무장된 평화를 추구하는 시민들입니다.


시몬 천 드림




Dear Friend (a fellow honoree of peace)—an update on the anniversary week of President Kim Dae-jung's receiving his Nobel Peace in 2000!


“An endless duty for peace”


Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, the honoree is committed to an endless duty. I humbly pledge before you that, as the great heroes of history have taught us, as Alfred Nobel would expect of us, I shall give the rest of my life to human rights and peace in my country and the world, and to the reconciliation and cooperation of my people. I ask for your encouragement and the abiding support of all who are committed to advancing democracy and peace around the world.


President Kim Dae-jung Nobel Lecture, 2000



1. Christine Ahn in the Samantha Bee segment. About North Korea/December 6, 2017, Act 3, Full Frontal on TBS. 미국 인기있는 코메디 프로그램의 코리언 어메리칸 평화 운동가 크리스틴 안과 한민족 동질성 강조한 탈북자 여성 인터뷰. 미국 언론에 왜곡되어 있는 한반도. 북한에도 평범하고 무고한 사람들이 살고 있다. 미국은 북한에 대한 경제 제제와 전쟁 위협 중단하고 외교 추구하라. “...give critical history and have North Korean woman say sanctions harm ordinary people. Please share! No to war, yes to peace!”





2. C-SPAN. Newsmakers. Daryl Kimball on North Korea's Nuclear Program.


미국 의회 방송의 군사 전문가 북핵 관련 우수한 인터뷰와 평범한 미국 시민들의 질의 응답. 외교만이 답이다.


Days after North Korea launched its latest ballistic missile, Daryl Kimball Arms Control Association Executive Director talked about what it means for North Korea’s ability to acquire a nuclear weapon that could reach the U.S. mainland.







3. From the Korea Peace Network (KPN).


코리아 피스 네트 워크. 한반도 긴장 최악의 상태에서도 미 의회를 통한 시민들의 평화 의지 지속되어야. 북한인권 관련 미 의회 법안 2061은 북한에 가족을 둔 재미 북한 교포들의 고통도 반영되어야.


To keep open vital humanitarian channels to the DPRK, we urge that the below language from H.R. 2061 “The North Korea Human Rights Reauthorization Act of 2017” be inserted into the following House bill: HR 4027 “Leverage to Enhance Effective Diplomacy Act of 2017” or the “Leed Act”.





(a) In General. –No later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the heads of other relevant Federal departments and agencies, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes a description of any ongoing or planned efforts of the Department of State with respect to each of the following:


(1) Resuming the repatriation from North Korea of members of the United States Armed Forces missing or unaccounted for during the Korean War.


(2) Reuniting Korean Americans with their relatives in North Korea


(3) Assessing the security risks posed by travel to North Korea for United States citizens.


Dan Jasper at djasper@afsc.org can provide deeper background on the rationale for these proposed changes.



4. Graeme McQueen. Remembering Pearl Harbor: Provoking Japan, Provoking North Korea. GlobalResearch.


일본 진주만의 진주만 공격의 교훈. 미국의 긴 전쟁 역사를 보면 전쟁 반대하는 절대 미국 국민들의 지지를 국내에서 유발하기 위해 “적”이 먼저 공격을 하도록 충동하는 전략을 채택. 현재 북한과 동북아시아에서 미국의 전략, 특히 끊임없는 한미일 합동 군사 훈련, 전쟁게임은 북한의 도발 충동하는 전략일 수도 있다.


(c) To the United Nations as a whole:


Only by addressing the genuine and legitimate security concerns of the DPRK will you be likely to achieve a peaceful outcome to the current crisis. If you believe in your own organization, its purpose and Charter, you will not cooperate with the imperial policies of those members who, to the grief of the world, are installed in positions of privilege in the Security Council.





5. Barry R. Posen. OP-ED. The New York Times. The Price of War With North Korea.


뉴욕타임지. 만일 미국의 북한에 핵무기로 선제 공격을 한다면 미국은 아주 오랫동안 인류로 부터 패륜아로 취급받을 것이다.


But the detonation of even a small number of nuclear weapons in North Korea would produce hellish results. The United States would make itself an international pariah for decades, if not centuries. It is entirely possible that the American military personnel would even resist the order to execute such an attack. For strategic, humanitarian and constitutional reasons, a first-strike nuclear option should not even be on the table (other than to forestall an imminent nuclear attack from North Korea). The complexity, risks and costs of a military strike against North Korea are too high. A combination of diplomacy and deterrence, based on the already impressive strength of South Korean and United States conventional and nuclear forces, is a wise alternative.





6. Chad O’Carroll. “Serious concern” about sanctions’ impact on North Korea aid work: UN DPRK rep. NK News.Org.


북한에 대한 경제제제는 병원 응급실, 산모, 어린이들등 무고한 북한 인민들에게 치명적인 영향. 유엔 보고.




The inventory of the 42 issues caused directly and indirectly by tightening North Korea sanctions – which have expanded sharply in recent years following frequent ballistic missile and nuclear testing by Pyongyang – range from the relatively mundane to issues that directly impact healthcare provision for vulnerable North Korean citizens.


“Without anesthesia machines, emergency operations like caesarian sections, appendectomies, intestinal obstructions etc. cannot be performed which may have life threatening consequences,” read the impact assessment of a three-month delay experienced by the World Health Organization (WHO) following an attempt to import 13 anesthesia machines halted by Chinese customs authorities in Dalian….“Through this letter, I am also seeking your support … in reminding Member States that the sanctions are not meant to hamper assistance and relief activities”



7. Japan throws cold water on U.S.-led dialogue on North Korea.


미국 제안한 북한과의 대화, 외교를 방해하는 일본.


If this report is accurate, Abe gov't is undermining diplomatic solution to NK problem, acting against goals of UNSCR 2375:





8. DW. US military base in South Korea mired in corruption scandal.


부패 스캔달로 얼룩진 한국의 미군 기지 캠프 햄프리.


During the construction of Camp Humphreys, the largest US military base on foreign soil, a South Korean conglomerate is reported to have paid nearly $3 million in bribes in order to gain lucrative contracts….But the US military presence in South Korea is a constant source of tension. Aside from the costs to taxpayers, the massive transfer of troops has had environmental consequences. On Wednesday, an environmental report was published that revealed heavy pollution of groundwater near the base at Yongsan. A test identified a level of the carcinogen Benzol, 700 times the accepted limit….The heated rhetoric between US President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has also put a spotlight on the US military's presence in South Korea. Trump's fighting words and the installation of THAAD missiles has agitated many South Koreans, and there have been massive protests in recent months. According to the Diplomat, the US Army refers to Humphreys as "the largest power projection platform in the Pacific." http://www.dw.com/en/us-military-base-in-south-korea-mired-in-corruption-scandal/a-41646903



9. Jeff Baron. 38 North. Japan in 1941, North Korea 2017?


전쟁은 지도자들이 강한 이미지 유지하기 위해 일어 날수도 있다. 1941년 일본과 미국이 그랬듯이 오늘 북한과 미국등 지도자들을 그들의 강한 이미지 유지위한 수단으로 전쟁을 감행할 수도 있다.


I see the analogy. The leader of North Korea might be concerned with appearing stronger than he really is. Others may be caught up in the same dynamic. We have no way of knowing for certain. But that’s the way it was in Japan 1941, and I see similarities to the situation now with the DPRK….I see the analogy. The leader of North Korea might be concerned with appearing stronger than he really is. Others may be caught up in the same dynamic. We have no way of knowing for certain. But that’s the way it was in Japan 1941, and I see similarities to the situation now with the DPRK.





10. `Pre-emptive strike against North Korea is impossible’: Japanese scholar. The Korea Herald. 저명한 일본 학자. 미국 북한 선제 공격, 전쟁은 한미군사동맹이 종결을 초래할 것이다.


“If the US proceeded with a pre-emptive strike without the consent of the South Korean government, it would bring an end to the US-South Korea alliance. I don’t think the US will sacrifice the alliance for the sake of pre-emptive strikes.”





11. Terence Roehring. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The abilities—and limits—of North Korea early warning. 한반도에서 최악의 상상할 수도 없는 전쟁은 끊임없는 한미일 합동 군사 훈련에 대응 북한의 실수로 가능할수도.


The use of military force against North Korea raises a host of disturbing possibilities. How these possibilities play out would, in many respects, depend on how North Korea assessed information derived from its early warning system. North Korean leaders could have to decide, for example, if a cruise missile strike were the beginning of an attempt at regime change or a one-time act of retaliation—and whether the missiles were armed with conventional or nuclear warheads. If North Korean leaders had any inkling that their existence was on the line, the response would be deadly, and the fate of Northeast Asia could be determined in a matter of minutes. Let’s hope we never have to test how good Pyongyang’s early warning system is.



12. South Korea’s Moon Jae-in: `We cannot go on like this’.


문재인 대통령 한반도 전쟁 위기는 반드시 해결되어야 하고 해결될 것이다.


"Tensions at present are rising to a peak, but we cannot go on like this," Moon said. "It is only a matter of time before tensions are resolved."





13. U.N., in a Diplomatic Bid, Sends a Top Official to North Korea.


유엔, 외교 돌파구 찾기 위해, 북한에 대표단 파견


Six U.N. agencies with a staff of about 50 international employees are based in Pyongyang, offering mostly humanitarian relief services. The last time the U.N. dispatched its top diplomat to North Korea was 2010. “The visit is the response to a longstanding invitation from Pyongyang for a policy dialogue with the U.S.,” said stephane Dujarric, spokeswoman for the U.S.’s secretary-general. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-n-in-a-diplomatic-bid-sends-a-top-official-to-north-korea-1512426184



14. North Korea has shown interest in freeze-for-freeze deal: Russian Deputy FM. NK News. Org


러시아 고위 외교관. 북한, 미사일 계발, 핵프로그램 동결 조건으로 한미합동군사훈련 중단 협상에 관심 보임.


“Over the past two and half months and its allies seem to have tried the patience of Pyongyang with its activities,” Nebenzia said, referencing “unplanned” military maneuvers and recent unilateral sanctions. “Against the backdrop of the calm and quiet by Pyongyang of these hostile moves against the DPRK force us to really think about the sincerity of the statements by Washington about its preference for peaceful means resolving the crisis.”


In his speech on Wednesday, Morgulov also blamed this week’s military exercises by the U.S. and South Korea for increasing tensions. Washington and Seoul on Monday kicked off a major air combat exercise, featuring 230 aircraft at eight U.S. and South Korean military installations, a drill North Korean media has condemned as the “largest ever.”


The annual exercise, named “Vigilant Ace,” will go on until Friday.





15. Peace in Korea, Peace in the World!


A Rally to Support Peace in Korea and the World.


한국에 평화, 전 세계에 평화


한국과 전 세계 평화를 위한 백악관 앞 집회




Dec. 9, 2017, 12:00-1:00 pm




White House side of Lafayette Square (Pennsylvania Ave NW & 16th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001, USA)




Good Friends USA (GoodFriendsUSA@gmail.com, 301-346-6763)


NAKA (703-314-1489)


Hosted By:


Good Friends USA


NAKA (National Association of Korean Americans)


DC Methodist Church


Coalition of Koreans in America


CAKA (Citizens Academy for Korean American)


The National Institute of Hahm Seokhon’s Philosophy




16. President Kim Dae-jung Nobel Peace Prize 2000


김대중 전 대통령의 2000년 노벨 평화상 수상 연설.


인권, 민주주의, 평화를 위한 우리들의 끝없는 의무와 희생, 책임감을 가지고 수행합시다.


...I shall give the rest of my life to human rights and peace in my country and the world, and to the reconciliation and cooperation of my people.





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시몬 천 박사

노스웨스턴대 국제정치학 강사



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    영국의 ‘거문도점령’의 교훈
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